Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Day 20 - The End of the Trail...

Today, Nana and Janice awoke to a beautiful but cold morning. Their gear was covered with frost. The morning light on the lake was beautiful although there was a lot of smoke visible from fires burning in the region.

Reflections in the morning light...

After breakfast, they bushwhacked uphill to Fontanillis Lake and explored around before heading over to Dick's Lake where they went swimming and had a bite to eat.

Fontanillis Lake...

Nana enjoys her last day on the trail...

After lunch, they headed back to the Bayview Trail where they went east until they intersected the Eagle Lake Trail. From there, they headed downhill to Emerald Bay where I was waiting with cold beer!

Janice, Nana and Kona at the end of the journey...

Thus brings an end to "The Long Walk II" for 2007. Thanks for following along on the adventures of The Mud Tribe.

See ya next year where we are planning an extended trip into the high country of Kings Canyon and Sequoia National Parks...


1 comment:

Lisa Lewis said...

Wow, what beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing your Lake Tahoe hike story with us. Such a beautiful place!